S.S. Fortune Trade

  • เครื่องใช้สำนักงาน
  • เครื่องเขียน
  • อุปกรณ์อิเล็กทรอนิกส์
  • วัสดุสำนักงาน
  • ผลิตภัณฑ์แม่บ้าน ฯลฯ
  • อุปกรณ์สำนักงาน


With over twenty years of experience in business, S.S. Fortune Trade Co., Ltd is a veteran retailer of office supplies, electronics, cleaning products, drinks and canteen products, tools, and many more. Our company now offers nationwide shipping through a combination of our own logistics network and trusted partners such as Thailand Post, Flash Express, and Kerry Express. We also offer consultation on shipping solutions, helping optimize time and cost for our customers based on their situation.

Our Vision – to be your one-stop shop for everything in office

To facilitate our customers’ needs, S.S. Fortune Trade Co., Ltd seeks to provide our customers with all the products they may need, including those not listed in our catalog or on our website. On such occasion, we will ensure that the order is fulfilled in the utmost economical and accurate manner.

Our Mission – “Your satisfaction is our success”

Through standardized management, consistent improvements to our business, and prioritizing honest and compassionate customer relations, SS Fortune Trade Co., Ltd enjoys the confidence of leading firms, government agencies, well-known educational institutions, among other organizations. Furthermore, we have stressed the importance of corporate social responsibility in our operations, guided by the principles of morality and effective management. We recognize and fulfill our obligations to society and the environment both within and outside our enterprise, leading to sustainable development.

S.S. Fortune Trade Co., Ltd remains steadfast in enhancing our customer service, aiming to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction. “Your satisfaction is our success.”